G7FX NV Nirav Neerav Vadera Exposed as a Scammer Fake Guru
For anyone new reading this, also go through the following reviews on G7FX. People have put in some serious effort to warn you. You owe it to yourself to do some research before spending thousands on a Fake Guru. https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/community/threads/g7fx-nirav-nv-scammer.68123/page-7 - From post 69 onwards on Page 7 https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/comm...av-vadera-verifiedtrading-g7fx-exposed.68391 https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/community/threads/neerav-nirav-vadera-g7fx-exposed.68532 https://www.forexfactory.com/thread/465083-nv-trader-is-not-credible-ex-institutional-trader?page=6 Enough has been said in reviews above and shown with proof to put some serious doubt in your mind about NV the scammer. I am not his competitor, have nothing to gain by defaming him, you can check my Insta and other posts about exposing other fake gurus. I hate scammers, hence this post to hopefully warn someone in the future. NV has spent so much time, planning, resources and effort on creating ...